A Biomechanical Assessment is the first step in the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of issues including:
Sports Injury - Foot/Ankle/Knees/Lower Limb
Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis)
Back/Hip/Knee/Foot & Ankle Pain
Improving foot and lower limb function and correcting Biomechanical abnormalities will improve sporting performance, and help you train better, longer, more safely.

What is Biomechanics?
Biomechanics, in relation to Podiatry, involves the assessment of the structure, alignment and function of the feet and legs - in other words, the way in which the muscles, bones and joints of the foot and lower limb interact and move, and the forces they're subjected to.
This assessment allows us to treat abnormalities and malfunction as part of a rehabilitation programme after sustaining an injury, or - via preventative intervention - to avoid strain and injury throughout the musculo-skeletal system.

What Can Go Wrong?
Regardless of lifestyle, age, activity levels and other factors, many people experience foot problems at some point in their life. Twists and turns, improper balance, sporting activities and abnormal foot posture/function are just a few of the things that can add stress to the feet.
If you have a low-arched (pronated) or high arched (supinated) foot then you may be more predisposed to problems. However, muscle inflexibility and weakness, footwear and activity levels can also affect function and lead to pain and injury.
What Happens During a Biomechanical Assessment?
A Biomechanical Assessment is patient-specific, so the skills and tools your Podiatrist uses will depend on many factors, including:
Nature of presenting injury
Stage of rehabilitation
Specific symptoms
Your immediate and longer term goals and aspirations
Your Podiatrist will take a thorough medical history first, and discuss your lifestyle, activity levels and types of activity - for example, occupational factors, sporting and training activities.
The history of your problem - details of your injury, the location and nature of your pain, other treatment you have had and factors which aggravate or alleviate your symptoms - will be discussed too.
(If you've kept a diary of these things, great - bring it along!).
Your musculoskeletal anatomy, joint range of motion, lower limb muscle power and foot shape/posture will then be assessed, and an in-depth gait analysis using video software carried out.
This will help your Podiatrist to identify any gait abnormalities that may be contributing to the cause of your presenting problem.
Don't be surprised if we take a look higher up too, or ask seemingly unconnected questions - our assessment is holistic, in that we need to understand how your lower limb biomechanics interact with your whole musculoskeletal system, and whether other systemic health conditions are having an impact too.
All of the information collected will allow your Podiatrist to formulate an appropriate treatment and management plan with you. Onward referral to other health professionals may also be required as part of a multi-disciplinary treatment plan, or for diagnostic imaging such as X-rays or Ultrasound.
Your treatment plan may include the use of kinesiology taping, Western medical acupuncture, IASTM and footwear advice. Orthotics or insoles may also be prescribed, to offload injured structures or correct any biomechanical abnormalities detected.
Very often a tailored exercise plan will be devised for you, to aid strengthening and rehabilitation.

This appointment is for Patients suffering from foot, ankle or other lower limb musculoskeletal injury or pain - such as tendinitis, sprains, shin splints, knee pain, heel pain - and weaknesses. Lower back and hip/pelvic issues can also be helped by addressing lower limb biomechanical issues, but please seek advice from your GP, Orthopaedic consultant or a physiotherapist first if you are suffering from back, hip or pelvic pain.
Your Podiatrist will carry out a full history, review and assessment of your activity and biomechanical status, and formulate an ongoing treatment/rehabilitation plan with you. Self care, footwear and rehab exercise plan will be advised, and treatment carried out during your appointment may include kinesiology taping, acupuncture or instrument assisted soft-tissue manipulation/fascial release (IASTM). Orthotics/insoles may also be prescribed.
It is important that you bring your sports and work/everyday footwear with you, and if possible please wear shorts or leggings. Please also bring any orthotics or insoles that you currently use.
60 Mins / £80
Includes treatment carried out / Orthotics & Insoles charged separately