For first time visitors to Glasgow Foot Clinic: your Podiatrist will discuss and assess your foot issues and needs with you before carrying out treatment. Footwear and self-care advice are provided as standard, and your ongoing treatment plan will be discussed before you leave.
This appointment is perfect for improving and maintaining your day-to-day comfort, or for a seasonal pamper to keep you feet looking and feeling great.
Treatment typically includes nail cutting, dealing with problem/thickened nails, removing hard skin (callous) and corns, and smoothing skin with our high-speed sanding burr before applying a nourishing foot cream.
45 Mins
£37 / £33 Concession

For Patients returning to GFC: your Podiatrist will discuss and assess your foot issues and review any changes since your last appointment before carrying out treatment. Footwear and self-care advice are provided as standard, and your ongoing treatment plan will be discussed and adjusted as required.
This appointment is perfect for improving and maintaining your day-to-day comfort, or for a seasonal pamper to keep you feet looking and feeling great.
Treatment typically includes nail cutting, dealing with problem/thickened nails, removing hard skin (callous) and corns, and smoothing skin with our high-speed sanding burr before applying a nourishing foot cream.
30 Mins
£37 / £33 Concession

For Patients returning to GFC: We introduced our gold-standard Simply Nails service in 2010 to fill the care-gap left when the NHS stopped providing nail-cutting services to patients. People of all ages simply need help with cutting their toenails – they can’t reach, see or don’t have the strength to do it themselves – and that’s where we can help.
This quick, 20 minute appointment is perfect if you have no other foot problems, and your Podiatrist will advise during a New Patient Appointment if Simply Nails is suitable for you on an ongoing basis.
(Simply Nails is not suitable for thickened, ingrown or other problem toenails, and patients must return every 8 weeks max. if they wish to access this service.)
20 Mins

For Patients returning to Glasgow Foot Clinic: This service is for patients who only have one problem requiring treatment or who require ongoing wound management. Your Podiatrist will advise if this service is available as part of your ongoing foot-care treatment plan
The 20 minute appointment is ideal if you require wound management/dressing changes for diabetic or vascular ulcers, for painful blisters (runners & climbers, we're looking at you!), or for the treatment of single painful corns or thickened toenails.
GFC Podiatrists are specialists in wound management, and we use the most up-to-date & effective wound healing products available. [Please note: No routine nail cutting will be carried out during this appointment].
20 Mins